A new verison of Sphinx was released yesterday. Perhaps that works

On Sep 3, 6:34 pm, Tim Michelsen <timmichel...@gmx-topmail.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> you can find the current statu of the SPhinx docs 
> here:http://w2psphinx.appspot.com/
> There is a lot of trouble with the gluon modules.
> All modules not listed 
> in:http://w2psphinx.appspot.com/init/static/sphinx/docs-web2py/modules_a...
> produce the following error in 
> Sphinx:http://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx/issue/217/autogen-aborts
> Currently, I can't do anything about it as this is either a web2py bug
> or a Sphinx error.
> Best regards,
> Timmie
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