Hi Massimo,

The script is an example for our AD and it works for me to get all the
data except the password hash.

I wanted to test if i am making mistakes  when connecting to the

But I had to give an adminstrator account and a password to do the
search. Otherwise Ad doesn't allow the search.
But in my ldap_auth.py,  I couldn't  succeed configuring it.
1. First problem was how do i give the admin user and password. (it is
ok for me to have it hard coded in the dap_auth.py)
2. How can the web2py get authentication for a non-admin user ? (I
actually don't need to have  the hash in the local auth database

Thank youvery much!

On 7 Sep., 17:04, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> It is not clear from your message if this script works and you provide
> it as an example or if not.
> Massimo
> On Sep 7, 9:26 am, max <dulip.withan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Everybody,
> > I wrote another script to access our ms active directory,
> > If someone have idea t osolve the long overdue problem would be
> > thankful.
> > import ldap
> > def main():
> >   server = "ad.mydmoan.com"
> >   who = "user"
> >   cred = "password"
> >   keyword = "d...@mydomain.com"
> >   base_dn = "ou=users,ou=kjc,ou=institute,dc=ad,dc=mydomain,dc=com"
> >   mode='ad'
> >   secure='secure'
> >   try:
> >     l = ldap.open(server)
> >     l.simple_bind_s(who, cred)
> >     l.protocol_version = 3
> >     l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
> >     print "Successfully bound to server.\n"
> >     print "Searching..\n"
> >     my_search(l, keyword)
> >     #ldap_auth_aux
> > (who,cred,ldap_server=server,ldap_mode=mode,ldap_port=636,ldap_basedn=base_dn)
> >   except ldap.LDAPError, error_message:
> >     print "Couldn't Connect. %s " % error_message
> > def my_search(l, keyword):
> >   base_dn = "ou=users,ou=kjc,ou=institute,dc=ad,dc=domain,dc=com"
> >   scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
> >   filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(mail="+ keyword+"))"
> >   retrieve_attributes = None
> >   count = 0
> >   result_set = []
> >   result_data=[]
> >   timeout = 0
> >   try:
> >     result_id = l.search(base, scope, filter, retrieve_attributes)
> >     while 1:
> >       result_type, result_data = l.result(result_id, timeout)
> >       if (result_data == []):
> >         break
> >       else:
> >         if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:
> >           result_set.append(result_data)
> >       if len(result_set) == 0:
> >         print "No Results."
> >         return
> >       #print result_set
> >       for i in range(len(result_set)):
> >         #print i
> >         for entry in result_set[i]:
> >             try:
> >                 #print  entry
> >                 print entry[1]['mail'][0]
> >                 #print entry[1]['unicodePwd'][0]
> >                 print entry[1]['sAMAccountName'][0]
> >                 #print entry[1]['memberOf']
> >                 #print entry[1]['proxyAddresses'][0]
> >                 print entry[1]['uidNumber'][0]
> >                 count = count + 1
> >             except:
> >                 pass
> >   except ldap.LDAPError, error_message:
> >     print error_message
> > if __name__=='__main__':
> >  main()
> > On 5 Sep., 16:36, max <dulip.withan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > After lots of tests and research of ldap_auth , I have some questions
> > > 1. Does the mode="ad"  identify the Active directory in ldap_ath_aux?
> > > 2. In my active directory server to  use "search_ext_s" i need a
> > > administrator account,
> > >  What i think is general to all ad servers.
> > > How can i define it in ldap_auth_aux
> > > 3. And in a search result element i don't get the hash_value for the
> > > password after successful bind .
> > > Then the question is how web2py auth can authenticate when it doesn't
> > > get the password from the ad?
> > > thanks for any idea!
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