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I returned to examine the problem more deeply, but now it behaves
differently and I do not know why, I do not remember any change, which
could cause the change.

Now the error_handler entry in routes.py seems to be completely ignored.
I tried further to make a simpliest testing scenario possible - there is
application "error" with "default" controller only:

def index():
    return dict(msg="aaa")

def err():
    raise Exception("bbb")

Error raised by "err" function results in standard error though there is

error_handler = dict(application='error',

in routes.py.

If I call index() directly ( it works
normally. The routes.py is not ignored in whole - change in
error_message works.

Please, any ideas?


mdipierro napsal(a):
> If this is the case I could use some help debugging it.
> Massimo
> On Sep 11, 7:54 am, David Zejda <d...@atlas.cz> wrote:
> Thank you for the help.
> I have one problem with the solution - it seems, that if there is custom
> error_handler in routes.py specified, the ticket is not being generated.
> No file with traceback information appears and also the
> request.vars.ticket is left undefined.
> David
> mdipierro napsal(a):
>>>> make app "error" with a controller default.py and an action
>>>> def index():
>>>>     from gluon.tools import Mail
>>>>     mail=Mail()
>>>>     mail.settings.server="smpt.example.com:port"
>>>>     mail.settings.sender="y...@example.com"
>>>>     mail.settings.login="you:password"
>>>>     ticket=request.vars.ticket
>>>>     subject="Ticket: %s" % ticket
>>>>     message=bla bla bla
>>>>     mail.sent
>>>> (to="administra...@example.com",subject=subject,message=message)
>>>>     return "Sorry, an error occurred (%s), administrator has been
>>>> notified" % ticket
>>>> and then create a file web2py/routes.py and in it write:
>>>> error_handler = dict(application='error', controller='default',
>>>> function='index')
>>>> On Sep 10, 8:54 am, David Zejda <d...@atlas.cz> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> for a productive site I wish to touch the default error handler, maybe
>>>> using some kind of decorator. IMO it would be good to
>>>> 1. retain the ticket generation
>>>> 2. notify admin by e-mail
>>>> 3. redirect client to a custom error page
>>>> I would like to do it site-wide - not using the decorators for all
>>>> controller functions one-by-one.
>>>> Please, I will appreciate your advices..
>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>> David
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