This works really well now, thanks.
I want to take it further have you configured any of the javascript
xmpp client libraries to work with this on GAE?
any help

On Oct 5, 7:35 am, Robin B <> wrote:
> Try not checking for 'POST' or chat, to see if there is a problem with
> those checks:
> def message():
>         import logging
>         message =  request.vars
>         logging.debug(str(message))
>         from google.appengine.api import xmpp
>         user_address = ''
>         xmpp.send_invite(user_address)
>         msg = "Simple responce from a simple guy:)"
>         xmpp.send_message(user_address, msg)
>         return message
> > also if you look at these logs some of them are red or orange
> > indicating high GAE CPU usage, is this normal?
> When your app does not get much activity, google kills your app's CGI
> processes, then when the next request comes later, google reloads your
> app from scratch.  Reloading can take a lot of CPU to read, parse,
> compile, execute web2py and your app.  Google is warning you that if
> every request took as long as this cold request, you should make
> changes to optimize your app for better performance, since its the
> first/warm-up request there is not much you can do about the high CPU.
> Robin
> On Oct 4, 4:42 am, murray3 <> wrote:
> > Thanks Robin,
> > Here are some snapshots of the logs, as you can see requests are being
> > made to /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/, I thought I would see the xml /
> > jabber message somewhere? either returned to the view or in these
> > logs?
> > I have tried to write a simple bot / responder but not getting far,
> > any help appreciated:
> > in
> > def message():
> >     if request.args[0] == 'chat' and request.method == 'POST':
> >         import logging
> >         message =  request.vars
> >         logging.debug(str(message))
> >         from google.appengine.api import xmpp
> >         user_address = ''
> >         xmpp.send_invite(user_address)
> >         msg = "Simple responce from a simple guy:)"
> >         xmpp.send_message(user_address, msg)
> >         return message
> > also if you look at these logs some of them are red or orange
> > indicating high GAE CPU usage, is this normal?
> > regards
> > Chrism
> >    1.
> >       10-04 02:18AM 56.352 /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/ 200 98ms 149cpu_ms
> > 90api_cpu_ms 0kb Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:
> > Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe)
> >       See details
> > - chrisjmurray3 [04/Oct/2009:02:18:56 -0700]
> > "GET /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/ HTTP/1.1" 200 300 - "Mozilla/5.0
> > (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/
> > 3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729),gzip(gfe)"
> > #
> >    1. ****IN RED****
> >       10-04 01:55AM 23.960 /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/ 200 590ms 881cpu_ms
> > 131api_cpu_ms 0kb
> >       See details
> > - - [04/Oct/2009:01:55:24 -0700] "POST /_ah/xmpp/
> > message/chat/ HTTP/1.1" 200 278 - - ""
> >    2.
> >       W 10-04 01:55AM 24.081
> >       no file locking
> >    3.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.316
> >       no sqlite3 or pysqlite2.dbapi2 driver
> >    4.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.320
> >       no MySQLdb driver
> >    5.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.323
> >       no psycopg2 driver
> >    6.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.327
> >       no cx_Oracle driver
> >    7.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.332
> >       no MSSQL/DB2 driver
> >    8.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.337
> >       no kinterbasdb driver
> >    9.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.342
> >       no informixdb driver
> >   10.
> >       D 10-04 01:55AM 24.349
> >       no zxJDBC driver
> >   11.
> >       W 10-04 01:55AM 24.378
> >       unable to import dbhash
> >   12.
> >       W 10-04 01:55AM 24.421
> >       unable to import wsgiserver
> > ****IN ORANGE*****
> > #
> > 10-04 02:01AM 15.007 /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/ 200 1622ms 978cpu_ms
> > 131api_cpu_ms 0kb
> > See details
> > - - [04/Oct/2009:02:01:16 -0700] "POST /_ah/xmpp/message/
> > chat/ HTTP/1.1" 200 280 - - ""
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