
It worked! Thank you very much!!! :-)

#1 I don't understand very well about the hidden field
"product_create". Could you explain?
Note: I've not used it in my new code.

On 13 out, 21:30, "mr.freeze" <> wrote:
> There are a couple of problems I think:
> There is a hidden field called "product_create" that needs to be sent
> back too:
> <input type="hidden" value="product_create" name="_formname"/>
> The built in ajax function explicitly grabs fields by ID which won't
> work for you since it will send request.vars.product_name instead of
> and won't grab the hidden field.  Try using
> jQuery.ajax and the serialize function to grab the data:
> def create_popup():
>     script_submit = SCRIPT("""jQuery('#%(form)s').submit(function(){
> jQuery.ajax({
>          type: "POST",
>          url: "%(url_ajax)s",
>          data: jQuery("#form_test").serialize(),
>          success: function(msg){jQuery('#message').html(msg);} });
> return false;});""" %  {"form":"form_test", "url_ajax":URL
> (r=request,f='validate_popup')}  )
>     form = SQLFORM(db.product, _enctype=None,
> _id="form_test",_action=None, _method=None)
>     return dict(form=form,script_submit=script_submit,message=DIV
> (_id="message"))
> def validate_popup():
>     form = SQLFORM(db.product)
>     if form.accepts(request.vars):
>         return DIV("Product successfully registered!")
>     elif form.errors:
>         return TABLE(*[TR(k, v) for k, v in form.errors.items()])
>     else: return DIV("Nope")
> Hope that helps.
> On Oct 13, 6:01 pm, Renato-ES-Brazil <> wrote:
> > Fixing:
> > The code that I posted had a error because I'd edited manually here.
> > The error was:
> > "_id=form_name" instead of "_id="form_test". See below:
> > >     form = SQLFORM(db.product, _enctype=None, _id=form_name,
> > > _action=None, _method=None)
> > The correct line is:
> >      form = SQLFORM(db.product, _enctype=None, _id="form_test",
> > _action=None, _method=None)
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