PS. If you point us to the service I will give it a try.

On Oct 13, 10:10 pm, pharkle <> wrote:
> Hi, I'm hitting a REST service that is running web2py that is supposed
> to return JSON.  When I curl the endpoint or hit it in a browser, I
> get a valid 200 response with the JSON I expect in the body of the
> response.  However, when I GET this same URL using Prototype's
> Ajax.Request function, I get a nil response in the body and a 0 status
> code.  This is very strange to me.  I am not a Python developer, so I
> have limited understanding of the situation, but this should work,
> right?
> In *achem* Rails, I would do something like this on my controller to
> set up an appropriate response to an ajax request:
> respond_to do |format|
>   format.js { render :text => "myjsonstuff" }
> end
> Is there something comparable in web2py or is there another way to get
> this thing working?  I am assuming it has something to do with the XHR
> headers as curling the url works fine.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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