Please check it form mistakes.

There many many new features in trunk. too many that I do not have the
time to describe them all.
Here is a partial list:

Lots of new DAL API described briefly here:

Support for legacy databases and non id primary key. This works with
MSSQL and, I think, Ingres. Anyway, Denes will explain more in a
subsequent email.

response.keywords, response.description, are
deprecated. They will continue work with your existing apps and
layout. Instead you should now use

     response.meta.keywords, reponse.meta.description,, ....

They are automatically embedded in the header when you {{include

4) If a controller needs a special css or js file it can now do:


and they will be included on demand by {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}}

5) experimental plugin mechanism with admin functionality to pack,
unpack and delete plugins.
More on this later. "experimental" because I have not had time to
discuss detains with some users and there was not complete agreement.

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