Em Thu, 12 Nov 2009 08:57:32 +0200
"Jason (spot) Brower" <encomp...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> AWSOME  This would come in very handy in teaching and testing!
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 8:39 AM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > I do not know if this should be in web2py or not but it can be
> > useful for testing and debugging.
> >
> > from gluon.contrib.populate import populate
> >
> > db=DAL()
> > db.define_table('person',
> >                Field('name'))
> >
> > db.define_table('dog',
> >                Field('name'),
> >                Field('person',db.person),
> >                Field('description',length=50),
> >                Field('birthdate','date'))
> >
> > populate(db.person,5) ### guess what it does?
> > populate(db.dog,10)
> >
> > print 'owner, dog name, description, birthdate'
> > for row in db(db.person.id==db.dog.person).select():
> >    print row.person.name, row.dog.name, row.dog.description,
> > row.dog.birthdate
> >
> > sample output:
> >
> > owner, dog name, description, birthdate
> > masasapo cedutopo M.c..Berridge. an untutored bird s wing is famili
> > 2000-07-31
> > posodaso todacoco Surely follows that these fiery eruptions at 186 0
> > 2002-06-16
> > posodaso dutocomo Spread over functioning properly the planet the ec
> > 1997-05-10
> > masasapo macocedu Modes of protozoa and continually added to be shot
> > 2003-08-30
> > masasapo cetomaso Circling round and explosively from the flesh avai
> > 1990-07-27
> > posodaso codacopa Fractions showing a dull white polar cap. illustra
> > 1987-11-26
> > dudamoso cesotaco Economically; a mastery of which the two feet four
> > 2003-04-02
> > dudamoso tasapoma Accomplishment would explode and open-sea knife-bl
> > 1994-05-18
> > samotomo dasapama Highly specialized in which they come to the creat
> > 1998-11-27

Hi all,

Totally +1 from me, it helps a lot to make dummy data for testing.

Great work, Massimo =)

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