
it might be that I'm missing something, but:t
In a table definition I'm using a foreign key reference with the
ondelete='RESTRICT'. Following the sql.log and the Table schemes on
the DB, this is correctly used in the CREATE TABLE statements
When I'm inserting some data with references and then delete the
referenced data set (let's say a Table 'domain' and a 'host' which has
a reference to 'domain', then deleting a 'domain' entry)., I do not
get errors through web2py complaining that there are references left:

1. using SQLlite: web2py and on sqlite interface the referenced entry
is deleted without complaint.
2. using MySQL: web2py does delete the entry, but the cmdline of MySQL
gives an error as expected.

So how can web2py override the MySQL database constrain of ON DELETE RESTRICT?
For SQLlite is suppose it is just a missing feature in SQLlite...

Thanks for help,

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