Ok, that makes sense, that's how I ended up doing it. I was just
wondering if there was a short form, like with the list of strings (as
opposed to a list of OPTION objects), but with tuples.

Oh! One other question. Is there a way (or would you accept a patch)
to specify which value you want selected, when creating a SELECT
helper? There's a 'value=' parameter to the constructor, but that
seems to refer to the contents of the option, not its value (so, you
can do value='one' but not value='1', from the example below).

On Nov 19, 11:45 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> yes,
> SELECT(OPTION('one',_value=1),OPTION('two',_value=2))
> On Nov 19, 9:54 am, Dmitri Zagidulin <dzagidu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When you pass a list of strings to the SELECT helper, it creates an
> > html select control, with options populated from the list of strings,
> > and each string is both the option's value and label.
> > so, SELECT(['one, 'two']) yields
> > <select>
> > <option value="one">one</option>
> > etc.
> > Does SELECT provide for the other common usage scenario, where you're
> > trying to create a list of options that have, say, an integer id as
> > the value and a string label as the contents of the option?
> > (That is, something like SELECT([ ('1', 'one'), ('2', 'two')])
> > yielding:
> > <select>
> > <option value="1">one</option> .. etc.
> > )
> > So, is it possible to pass in a list of tuples to SELECT (instead of
> > just a flat list)?
> > If not, would you accept a patch to make that possible?
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