Hi Hans,

actually insert should return the inserted record key
(not a return code as I said above).

So a return of None would mean no insert was done.

To be consistent maybe we should trap the exception on the update.
What do you think?.


On Nov 19, 10:05 am, Olaf <of.m...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Denes,
> the second try to insert identical values returns None:
> >>> db=DAL("informix://oli:x...@xeon2/stammdat")
> >>> db.define_table("kperson",
> ... Field("name"),
> ... Field("age", "integer"),
> ... primarykey=["name"],
> ... migrate=False
> ... )
> >>> a = db.kperson.insert(name="Test", age=23)    # first successful insert
> >>> print a
> {'name': 'Test'}
> >>> a = db.kperson.insert(name="Test", age=23)    # second try, exception 
> >>> expected - but none
> >>> print a
> None
> >>> db.kperson._insert(name="Test", age=23)        # to see if the 
> >>> sql-statement is correct
> "INSERT INTO kperson(name, age) VALUES ('Test', 23);"
> doing the same sql statement via UNIX commandline:
> $ echo "INSERT INTO kperson(name, age) VALUES ('Test', 23);" |
> dbaccess stammdat
> returns error messages as expected:
>    268: Unique constraint (root.u151_174) violated.
>   100: ISAM error:  duplicate value for a record with unique key.
> Regards
>   Hans
> ~~~~~
> On 19 Nov., 15:02, DenesL <denes1...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> > Hi Hans,
> > On Nov 19, 7:49 am, Hans Murx <murxun...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > given this legacy informix table:
> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > create table kperson
> > > (
> > >   name  varchar(80, 1) not NULL,
> > >   age   integer not NULL,
> > >   primary key (name)
> > > );
> > > I did:
> > > ~~~~>>> db.define_table("kperson",
> > > ...     Field("name"),
> > > ...     Field("age"),
> >           Field("age","integer"),
> > > ...     primarykey=["name"],
> > > ...     migrate=False
> > > ... )
> > > Inserting one row:
> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>> db.kperson.insert(name="Oli1", age=23)
> > > {'name': 'Oli1'}
> > > Ok!
> > > inserting another row:
> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>> db.kperson.insert(name="Oli2", age=23)
> > > {'name': 'Oli2'}
> > > Ok!
> > > trying to update the first row:
> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>> db(db.kperson.name=="Oli1").update(name="Oli2")
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
> > >   File "/root/web2py-1439/gluon/sql.py", line 3091, in update
> > >     self._db._execute(query)
> > >   File "/root/web2py-1439/gluon/sql.py", line 1086, in <lambda>
> > >     self._execute = lambda a: self._cursor.execute(a[:-1])
> > > IntegrityError: SQLCODE -268 in EXECUTE:
> > > 23000: Integrity constraint violation
> > > IX000: ISAM error:  duplicate value for a record with unique key.
> > > Ok, this IntegrityError was expected, because we tried to update name
> > > to a value that already existed in the table.
> > > But trying to insert a row with an already existing name:
> > > >>> db.kperson.insert(name="Oli2", age=23)
> > What is the return code of that insert?
> > If you get a 0 (zero) the operation was not successful.
> > > does not give an error message at all - although the same constraint
> > > violation occurs!?
> > > Why is there no IntegrityError exception raised in this case? Same
> > > strange behavior with appadmin: you can 'insert' new rows with
> > > appadmin that violate constraints and therefore are not really
> > > inserted into the table without even getting an error message. I don't
> > > think that this behavior is consistent.
> > > Regards
> > >   Hans
> > Denes.
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