You make a good point. The requires for email is set if define_tables.
You can override that. The validators only apply when registering a
new user.

The login function overrides the validators because you do not want to
give an attacker unnecessary information about why he cannot login. In
praticular = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message
= T("Enter value")), IS_EMAIL(error_message=T("Enter Email")),
                                           IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,, error_message=T("value already in

would be right for registration but not for login. IS_NOT_IN_DB should
be IS_IN_DB and IS_NOT_EMPTY is redundant given IS_EMAIL.

You are right there is a problem. Since login overrides the validation
you cannot markup its error message with T. This is a bug and I will
fix it tomorrow.

On Dec 2, 1:07 am, "hamdy.a.farag" <> wrote:
> Hi
> I got a problem using the sign in form
> I got the email field and password field
> Now email field is not validated as expected , when letting it empty I
> got the error message
> "enter a value" which I can't translate .
> if I entered any characters in it I got nothing
> looking into Auth() in the login() function I found
> def login(
>        ......
>         table_user = self.settings.table_user
>         if 'username' in table_user.fields:
>             username = 'username'
>         else:
>             username = 'email'
>         old_requires = table_user[username].requires
>         table_user[username].requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> Now we've only one validator on the field which is IS_NOT_EMPTY()
> Now I want to things to happen and I don't know how
> 1 - add validation IS_EMAIL() on the email field
> 2- be able to translate the error messages in both cases (if field is
> empty or not an email)
> note:
> IN MY MODEL , I've :
> = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message
> = T("Enter value")), IS_EMAIL(error_message=T("Enter Email")),
>                                            IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
>, error_message=T("value already in
> database"))]
> but this seems to be not working


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