Hi Massimo,
The code does not display the recaptcha. Inserted code that displayed
recaptcha but still failed to validate recaptcha words. I am baffled
why the code works perfectly with the Registration and it doesn't with
Login. Thanks again.

On Dec 3, 12:45 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Does it work if you do it this way?
> deflogin():
>     from gluon.tools importRecaptcha
>     auth.settings.catpcha =Recaptcha(request,public_key,private_key)
>     form = auth.login()
>     form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT(_type='button',
>         _value='Cancel',_onclick="window.location='%s';"\
>         % URL(r=request,f='index')))
>     return dict(form=form)
> Massimo
> On Dec 2, 9:46 pm, ed <edbi...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I implementedRecaptchain my Registration app and works very well.
> > But when I implemented the same inLoginit does not check the "two
> > words" which Recaptch requires. The following is the code:
> > ----------------------------------
> > -- Models --
> >     db.py
> > auth.define_tables()
> > auth.settings.login='email:password'
> > from gluon.tools importRecaptcha
> > auth.settings.captcha =Recaptcha(request, '6LcUfwkAAAAAACt0m',
> > '6LcUfwkAAAAAAcUWLVn')
> > -- Controllers --
> >    default.py
> > public_key = '6LcUfwkAAAAAACt0m'
> > private_key = '6LcUfwkAAAAAAPcUWLVn'
> > def user():
> >     if request.args(0)=='reg_col':
> >         from gluon.tools importRecaptcha
> >         match_it = IS_EXPR('value==%s' % repr(request.vars.password),
> > error_message='passwords do not match')
> >         form = SQLFORM.factory(
> >         Field('emailad', 'emailad',requires=[IS_LENGTH
> > (maxsize=30,error_message='Maximum length 30 chars..'),IS_EMAIL(),
> > IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,'auth_user.email',error_message='Email address already
> > exist.')], required=True, label='* Email Address'),
> >         Field('name', 'first',requires=[IS_LENGTH
> > (minsize=2,maxsize=30,error_message='Minimum length 2 and maximum
> > 30.'),IS_UPPER()], label='* Name'),
> >         Field('degree', 'degree',required=False,requires=IS_IN_DB
> > (db,'degreecurric.curcode','%(curcode)s'),label='* Degree Earned'),
> >         Field('batchyr', 'batchyr', required=False,requires=IS_IN_DB
> > (db,'batchyr.moyear','%(moyear)s'),label='* Batch Year'),
> >         Field('password', 'password',label='* Password', requires=
> > [IS_LENGTH(minsize=6,maxsize=30,error_message='Minimum length 6 and
> > maximum 30.')]),
> >         Field('password_verify', 'password',label='* Password verify',
> > requires=match_it))
> >         form[0].insert(-1, TR('',  Recaptcha
> > (request,public_key,private_key)))        [-1][1].append(INPUT
> > (_type='button',_value='Cancel',_onclick="window.location='%s';"%URL
> > (r=request,f='index')))
> >         if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
> >             emil = request.vars.emailad
> >             name = request.vars.name
> >             pasword = request.vars.password
> >             password_verify = request.vars.password_verify
> >           return dict(form=form)
> > deflogin():
> >     from gluon.tools importRecaptcha
> >     form = auth.login()
> >     form[0].insert(-1, TR('',  Recaptcha
> > (request,public_key,private_key)))
> >     form[0][-1][1].append(INPUT
> > (_type='button',_value='Cancel',_onclick="window.location='%s';"%URL
> > (r=request,f='index')))
> >     return dict(form=form)
> > --- Views --
> >     user.html
> > {{if request.args(0)=='reg_col':}}
> > <h2>College Alumni Registration</h2>
> > <br>
> > {{=form}}
> > {{pass}}
> >   -login.html -
> >  <h2>Alumni Log-In</h2>
> > <br>
> > {{=form}}
> > {{pass}}
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > I've reviewed the source code and tested various solutions but failed
> > to see what's wrong with it. Did I miss something?
> > Thanks a lot in advance.
> > Ed


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