On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 4:10 PM, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Are you talking about forms you made or forms in appadmin? forms in
> appadmin ignore writable and readable by design. Your own forms should
> not ignore them.

My forms are not behaving as I expected (although that might be the
intended behavior :-)
I did forget about appadmin ignoring redable/writable settings, so I
re-did the example with user (my own) forms.
The general use case is editing a record without allowing the end user
to reset its parent.

In models:
db.define_table('account', Field('name'))
    Field('origin_account_id', db.account))
db.oppty_main.origin_account_id.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'account.id', '%(name)s')

In the default controller:
def index():
    account=db.account[1] # Just the first record
    frmAccount=SQLFORM(db.account, record=account)
    oppty_main=db(db.oppty_main.origin_account_id==1).select()[0]    #
An oppty_main related to the first account
    frmOpptyMain1=SQLFORM(db.oppty_main, record=oppty_main)
    frmOpptyMain2=SQLFORM(db.oppty_main, record=oppty_main)
    # No form processing code!! There are two accounts in the db & one
oppty_main related to the first account
    return dict(frmOpptyMain1=frmOpptyMain1,
frmOpptyMain2=frmOpptyMain2, frmAccount=frmAccount)

I the corresponding view:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>All forms are update forms</h1>
<h2>Oppty Main - writable = True</h2>
<h2>Oppty Main - writable = False</h2>

Note: the db already holds two accounts: "account 1" & "account 2" and
one oppty_main: "Oppty main related to account 1"

>From this I would expected that frmOpptyMain2 rendered the string
representation of origin_account_id (either as a span or as a disabled
select element), but it renders the actual digit! I think this is
wrong because I have the opinion that the form should honor the field
representation requirement set at the field definition level.

I can get around this using custom forms:
but this defeats the purpose of both SQLFORM and the field requirement
mechanism, leading to much code that could otherwise be avoided.

BTW: Happy New Year Everyone!


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