how about

python -S myapp -M
>>> help(db.define_table)

On Jan 3, 6:18 pm, wrote:
> I'm trying to take advantage of Python's introspection capabilities to find
> out what certain objects can do.  I'm not getting very far though.  Here's
> what I've discovered so far about db.define_table and db itself:
>     In[14]: import pydoc
>     Out[14]:    
>     In[15]:
>     Out[15]: Help on method define_table in module gluon.sql:
>     define_table(self, tablename, *fields, **args) method of gluon.sql.SQLDB 
> instance
>     In[16]: help =
>     Out[16]:    
>     In[17]: help(db)
>     Out[17]: Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
>       File "pydoc.pyc", line 1645, in __call__
>       File "pydoc.pyc", line 1689, in help
>       File "pydoc.pyc", line 1464, in doc
>       File "pydoc.pyc", line 1459, in resolve
>       File "gluon/", line 1271, in __getattr__
>     KeyError: '__name__'
> This is from a through-the-web Python prompt.  Is there some better way to
> go about this?  I do see this:
>    http://localhost:8000/examples/static/epydoc/index.html
> but that's a little bit indirect.  (I see that help(type(db)) works where
> help(db) fails.)  Maybe I'm on the right track but just stumbled upon a
> pydoc bug?
> Skip


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