Sorry, fork is not the correct OS term, as the new process is not a
copy of the parent process. The new process is just that, a new

John Heenan

On Jan 7, 11:14 am, John Heenan <> wrote:
> My logs indicate that a web2py soft cron command to execute a Python
> file at or after a given interval is achieved by forking off another
> Python instance, instead of doing an exec on the contents of the file.
> A sample from my standard output logs is below.
> This is confirmed from examining web2py/gluon/contrib/ I see
> that a Python Popen is executed. This forks off another process,
> connects standard input, output and error and then waits.
> This is overkill if the only task of a crontab is to expire sessions
> using Python code and there is a goal to minimise memory hungry
> processes occupying memory, no matter for how short, that might risk
> bringing the swap file into use.
> Massimo's way of expiring sessions from the model file is less
> resource intensive, if  Python code is used.
> John Heenan
> 2010-01-06 15:15:13,876 - INFO - WEB2PY CRON (soft): Application: zgus
> executing **applications/admin/cron/ in /home/zgus/
> web2py/web2py at 2010-01-06 15:15:13.876653
> 2010-01-06 15:15:14,636 - INFO - WEB2PY CRON Call returned: default
> applications appear to be installed already
> web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2009
> Version 1.67.2 (2009-09-28 16:29:33)
> Database drivers available: SQLite3
> WARNING:root:GUI not available because Tk library is not installed
> On Jan 6, 2:19 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > I guess the book needs some cleanup in this respect.
> > I normally expire sessions in the model iteself. No cron and no
> > process.
> > On Jan 5, 10:08 pm, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > I am a bit of a loss though as to why page 121 provides the following
> > > web2py specific web2py/applications/xxx/cron/crontab entry example for
> > > expiring sessions:
> > > @hourly root *applications/admin/cron/
> > > AND why page 123 provides an example of how to run web2py crontabs
> > > from /etc/crontab (called 'hard cron' by web2py):
> > > 0-59/1 * * * * web2py cd /var/www/web2py/ && python -C -D 1
> > > >> /tmp/cron.output 2>&1
> > > YET page 302 in the the deployment recipes section appears to prefer
> > > keeping a python process lying around in memory to expire sessions
> > > that is only used relatively infrequently.
> > > I imagine most of us on this list are severely constrained with regard
> > > to resources for live deployment of web2py. I use a 256MB VPS and make
> > > sure I only run the absolute minimum number of processes. Some on this
> > > list will have even even less memory available (such as if using
> > > webfaction).
> > > I have only one process running that goes above 3MB memory use: a
> > > single persistent python process that runs all my web2py apps and uses
> > > 37MB of memory . The webserver (lighttpd) occupies 2.3MB and does not
> > > fork. These memory sizes occupy RAM and swapped memory if not enough
> > > RAM memory is available. The potential memory use of python is 236MB
> > > (VSZ size).
> > > Under these circumstances the web2py labelled 'soft cron' option is
> > > attractive as no extra processes are spawned: the python process that
> > > runs web2py runs web2py specific crontabs in web2py/applications/xxx/
> > > cron/crontab.
> > > John Heenan
> > > On Jan 6, 2:11 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > thanks
> > > > On Jan 5, 9:48 am, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jan 6, 1:40 am, John Heenan <> wrote:
> > > > > > Here is a hint for using the book listed command
> > > > > > nohup python -S yourapp -R scripts/ &
> > > > > > in /etc/rc.local, to enable automatic start of this script on boot.
> > > > > This hint is of course only relevant if you don't already use /etc/
> > > > > rc.local to start up web2py. I use a scrpt in /etc/init.d instead to
> > > > > start up web2py.
> > > > > John Heenan
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