Ok here is a list as I know it. I need some help sorting out what is
what. The files have been obtained by scanning through old posts, so I
might have an older version of your plugin. Also, for plugins that do
not have a username attached, that means that we would like the
plugins, but currently none are being worked on.

(*) = prototyped, not production quality
(1) = I have the actual file
(?) = Need status update

comments (*) (1) (massimo, thadeus)
tagging (*) (?) (massimo, selecta)
voting/rating (need volunteer)
attachments of documents
google checkout (*) (?)
quizzes and surveys (can be taken out of from kpax)
embedding media files (photo gallery, video player, etc)
customization of layout (*) (1) (massimo)
breadcrum (*) (?)
google map (*) (1) (massimo)
facebook connect (*) (1) (jon romera / massimo)
membership manager (*) (1) (kmax)
openid (*) (?)
bad word filter (?)
queries plugin (?) (massimo) -- https://www.web2py.com/plugins/plugin_query

I have Massimo's threaded comments plugin and my blogger comments plugin.

Massimo, can you send me the most up-to-date tagging plugin
selecta can you send me your most up-to-date tagging plugin, with the
differences from Massimo ?

I Know there was a google checkout plugin in progress, I have not had
a chance to work on this, did anybody get a chance to get a working

Breadcrum, openid, badword -- what is the current status, and who is
working on these? I know mentions have been made about them, but have
not heard anything else on them.

queries plugin -- Massimo, what is the status of this ? do you have a
stable version you can send me?

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