On Jan 15, 3:24 pm, Jeff Bauer <jeffru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Automatic database migration in web2py is great.  However,
> after a few dozen iterations during development, I'd like
> to 'reboot' through all the cruft and set database fields to
> agree with my models.  I'm aware that I could go through and
> set migration=False, but that's not what I'm looking for.
> I don't want to stop using migration. I just want to remove
> clutter and restart the process from zero.
> Use case: When I access my database outside of DAL, I've got
> a bunch of old columns that are no longer in use.

I assume you use sqlite. sqlite cannot drop columns.With a different
database (if migrate!=False) the database should be exactly what your
model say.

> Jeff Bauer
> Rubicon, Inc.
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