You get invalid requests if the url is wrong or contains invalid chars
(the filename cannot contain special chars or spaces, only
alphanumeric and -).

On Jan 22, 8:23 am, Johann Spies <> wrote:
> 2010/1/20 mdipierro <>:
> > You should not block access to thinks that are in static. Things in
> > static should be considered ublic by default so that you can ask the
> > web server to serve then and by-pass web2py. This is an optimization
> > that you will need in production and cannot give up.
> > If some files need restrited access make a folder applications/myapp/
> > private/static and a new controller action
> > @auth.requires_login()
> > def static():
> >    # check if if user has permission
> >    # raise HTTP(401,"not authorized") otherwise
> >    filename = '/'.join(request.args)
> >    fullpath = os.path.hoin
> > (request.folder,'private','static',filename)
> >    return,'rb'))
> > access the file with
> >http://.../myapp/defalt/static/
> > Hope this helps.
> Unfortunately not.  I get an "Invalid request" error.
> Regards
> Johann

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