I have some problems downloadin a PDF file over https.
The setup is mod_wsgi + apache (python 2.6).
Downloading via https to Firefox works without a problem as does
downloading over HTTP (both IE7 and Firefox).
I tried to  download a .csv file from the appadmin database
administration pages and that doesn't work either so it doesn't seem
to involve my particular use of response.headers and response.stream.
(FWIW I tried both direct streaming as well as first writing a file).

I could not manage to setup running web2py from the commandline using
SSL to check if this is a mod_wsgi problem: on my local machine I get
a connection but have no valid certificates and on my server I have
valid certificates but cannot get ssl to run yet
( "WARNING:root:OpenSSL libraries unavailable. SSL is OFF" )

I tried to see if the web2py demo pages have the .csv downloading
enabled since those work over https as well (https://web2py.com/
demo_app/appadmin/select/db/event) but downloading has been disabled
there (because it is demo I can understand that uploading is

I am next going to try and see if this is a IE7 issue (by installing
IE8) but I am not sure if I can convince my clients to switch if that
solves the issue (as I might as well ask them to use Firefox in that

Any help or insights would be appreciated.


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