
I run a similar setup. But it matters which webserver you're using. If you don't know, then you're using the built-in webserver.

If you can access the website from the server itself there are two things to check (this assumes the built-in webserver): 1) Did you configure web2py to serve on the '' interface instead of ''?
2) Could your firewall on Server 2003 (or otherwise) be blocking the ports?

Other than that, we need more details in order to help you.


On 2/2/2010 4:00 AM, Al wrote:

I have just started to learn web2py recently. I have installed web2py
in a windows 2003 server and it runs OK, but I cannot access it from
any other machine. I have looked thru a few discussions which
described using tunneling and proxy stuff, is there a simple way to
disable such security - e.g, commenting a few lines of codes. As the
person who will be doing some data entry into my application cannot
sit close to the windows server, so I am kind of stuck.


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