I'd like to weigh in on these comments.

- It seems to me that Django routes are just as complicated:
- Providing the routes.py outside of an app makes sense for web2py since
it directly maps app/controller/function to a url. This decision was
made to make things clear and understandable for new developers.

Chinese URLs:
- perhaps you could have written a patch?
- (more info:

Standalone Apps:
- sessions can "master" to another application to tie them together.
- I use routes to unify all my static content to one app location.

Slow Boot:
- How often do you restart web2py? It can work as a CGI but only as a
stop-gap measure. Any web-developer worth his salt would run a framework
in FCGI or WSGI mode.
- I don't really care for the import_all.py module either.

- I think the error report leaves much to be desired but at present, I
think we're locked in because of backward compatibility.

"fighting with built-in module" <-- I'm not sure what you mean here.

Too "magic":
- web2py is designed to be simple. I think how web2py sets headers is
- I agree that it should set appropriate headers with regard to SSL and
static files and IE.

No unittests:
- Creating unittests requires a culture.
- the web2py doesn't seem to have that culture built into it (for better
or worse)
- While web2py should have unittests, web apps don't mix well with
- Functional tests would be much more appropriate for a web app. Most
functional tests would run in the browser anyway (e.g. Qunit)

"DAL is bad than SQLAlchemy":
- This a subjective statement
- The DAL is not as well-tested or as widely-used as SQLAlchemy. But it
is good enough for the vast majority of web2py users.
- The DAL supports migration, SQLAlchemy does not.
- The DAL has a cleaner (IMHO) declaration syntax and an uglier query
syntax when compared to SQLAlchemy.

MVC is insulated:
- I'm not sure what you mean here.
- Yes they are all in the same namespace. How is this a problem?

It's a bummer to see you and your team go. We wish you the best.

On 2/4/2010 7:39 AM, Zoom.Quiet wrote:
> just last week this team to decide by vote to give up web2py, usage
> Django develping;
> reasons::
> - bad routes.py
>  - changeless pattern for URL had to base routes.py redirect into short URL
>  - routes.py is out app
> - url can not understand Chinese
> - tooo stand alone app
>  - session/static ... is all srand alone
>  - can not easy base app slpit site's components
> - tooo slow boot
>  - import tooo many lib
> - error report is tooo ugly
>  - can not support debug easy!
> - fighting with build-in module
>  - 
> https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/e20d0bd2e542aa14/a660bac70d5611a4
>  - can work with logging
> - tooo magic
>  - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1999950/download-link-fails-in-ie
>  - auto work in background,but not all clean
> - NULL unittest support!
> - DAL is bad than SQLAlchemy
> - MVC is insulated!
>  - model/control/view all variable is in same name space
> ONLY two feeling good:
> - deployment is stand alone
>  - but usage yolk+virtualenv others web app. framework also can
> deplotment stand alone
> - built-in crontab task support
> PS:
> translate from: "Mage from hell: 说说 web2py"
> http://blog.hellmage.info/2010/02/web2py.html
> PPS:
> hope mdipierro fixed these bad feeling for developer in time;
> make web2py become realy ent. web app. workframe

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