I am not sure non-writable fields have widgets. I will check. Most
likely they do not if they are not writable and not readable.

On Feb 7, 2:02 am, weheh <richard_gor...@verizon.net> wrote:
> I'm using crud and want to disable access to certain fields if user is
> not a member of the admin group. For instance, content can only be
> approved by admin. I want to register the id of the user who approved
> the content, too. So I'd like to say:
>   if not auth.has_membership(auth.id_group('Admin'),auth.user.id):
>     db.content.approved.writable=False
>     db.content.signature.writable=False
>   form = crud.update(db.content,...)
> so that even if the view has this:
>             {{=form.custom.widget.approved}}
>             {{=form.custom.widget.signature}}
> the fields shouldn't be fillable by an unauthorized user. Problem is,
> this doesn't work and I get this ticket:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 173, in restricted
>     exec ccode in environment
>   File "C:/web2py/applications/myapp/controllers/admin.py", line 187,
> in <module>
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 96, in <lambda>
>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 1873, in f
>     return action(*a, **b)
>   File "C:/web2py/applications/myapp/controllers/admin.py", line 59,
> in marketing
>     form = crud.update(db.content,request.args(2),message=T('Updated
> content'))
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 2270, in update
>     keepvalues=self.settings.keepvalues):
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 755, in accepts
>     onvalidation,
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 1267, in accepts
>     status = self._traverse(status)
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 449, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 449, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 449, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>   File "C:\web2py\gluon\html.py", line 449, in _traverse
>     newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
> Anybody know what's going on here?

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