
I am using OpenLayers( http://openlayers.org ) with web2py. I want to
open a form on a map event. In the controller, I have a function
def getForm():
    lon = request.args[0]
    lat = request.args[1]
    db.myTable.longitude.default = lon
    db.myTable.latitude.default = lat
    form = crud.create(db.myTable,
                    next = URL(r=request, args=request.args),
                    message = 'record created')
    return form;

and another
def getForm1():
    form = crud.create(db.myTable,
                    next = URL(r=request, args=request.args),
                    message = 'record created')
    return dict(form=form)

I use it in a view as:
    var formURL = 'getForm/'+lon+'/'+lat;
    xmlhttp.open("POST", formURL, false);
    var form = xmlhttp.responseText;
    document.getElementById('forms').innerHTML = form;

Which shows the form alright when the map is clicked, but on
submission the record is not added in the database.
Where as in the view getForm1 if I use
everything works fine. Can some one please tell me what I am doing

Best regards,

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