
On Feb 15, 12:54 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Put this in a model
> def prettydate(d):
>     try:
>         dt = request.now - d
>     except:
>         return ''
>     if dt.days>=365*2:
>         return '%s years ago' % int(dt.days/365)
>     elif dt.days>=365:
>         return '1 years ago'
>     elif dt.days>=60:
>         return '%s months ago' % int(dt.days/30)
>     elif dt.days>21:
>         return '1 months ago'
>     elif dt.days>=14:
>         return '%s weeks ago' % int(dt.days/7)
>     elif dt.days>=7:
>         return '1 week ago'
>     elif dt.days>=2:
>         return '%s days ago' % int(dt.days)
>     elif dt.days==1:
>         return '1 day ago'
>     else:
>         return 'today'
> On Feb 14, 3:13 pm, selecta <gr...@delarue-berlin.de> wrote:
> > This is not 100% web2py related but I am sure if this will be answered
> > many of you will profit at some point from it.
> > Is there a python module that helps you to display dates and times
> > nice e.g.
> > just now (for within the last 5 minutes)
> > 2 hours ago
> > 2 days ago
> > 15th February 2009
> > ...
> > I guess somebody must have done that already, right?

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