Execute functions in Model

Hi Guys,

first i´ve to say i am n(oob)ew to Python and Database things, so
please be patient.

Is there any general way to execute custom functions in Model, which
not only validate and how to implement them?

I´ll try to explain with a few examples:

First the simple one:

I have a table with 2 fields:
    Field("field1", "string"),
    Field("field2", "string"))

field1 is required so there should be two options:
1. the user enters something in field1 and field2
2. the user enters something in field1 and leaves field2 blank

In the second case i want to use a function that takes the value from
field1 splits the first word and then stores it in field2.
something like:
def function():
    field1_value="word1 word2 word3"
    valuesplit= field1_value.split(" ")[:1]
    joinvalue= " ".join(valuesplit)
    return joinvalue

Everthing should work from model...

I have already tried the solution from the thread "Populate field
based no other fields":
def _compute():
    return request.vars.field1

    Field("field2", "string", compute=_compute

It works but field2 wont be visible in appadmin.

Second Example:

I have 2 tables with 2 fields:
    Field("field1", "string"),
    Field("field2", "string"))

    Field("field1", "string"),
    Field("field2", "string"))

Now user enters value in table1.field1
then funktion should split first part of the value
then looking up if value is present in table2.field1 (.like(%value))
and if true store the table2.field2 value in table1.field2

Can anybuddy help?

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