No questions are stupid.
I'm no expert but I'll coment on what I know.

Web2py runs officially in python 2.5. Don't know how hard it would be to put
web2py running on 2.6.

You don't need the binary package to run web2py, you can run it directly
from python (execute file
Because you can do so, I believe you can package it in a binary form using
tools like py2exe.

Backward compatibility claim is just related to the fact that code changes
to web2py don't break webapplications written for web2py.

I believe web2py will have to support python2.6 eventually but don't know
Python 3.x support is even farther away. Py3k is a different language, it
has some details that break existing code base and, as such, all the code
has to be ported. It won't happen overnight.

Doesn't the code you wrote for python 2.6 run in 2.5? Maybe it does and you
can integrate it easily with web2py (instead of integrating web2py with what
you have).



On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Magnitus <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm a beginner in python and a complete neophyte in python web
> frameworks so don't bash my head in if the questions are stupid...
> I'm developing an application in C++ for windows x64 and I am now
> looking for a way to make it a web app.
> I'm looking for compatibility with python 2.6 (already started the
> process of gluing my code with the C API) and eventually python 3.1 in
> case they stop supporting prior versions. I'm also looking for
> compatibility with the 64 bits address format.
> Now, I see that web2py is available with a pre-compiled binary for
> windows. Is it a win32 binary? If so, can I build a win64 binary from
> the source code with python 2.6?
> Also, looking at the current compatibilities (2.4/2.5/2.6) and the
> claim that backward compatibility of the framework will not be broken,
> I'm wondering if there any future plans for web2py to be eventually
> compatible with python 3.1 (given that python 3.1 is not backward
> compatible with code written for previous versions of python or so I
> heard).
> --
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