I'm going to write up a nice, clear wiki article on unit testing with
the unittest module based on what I learned in this discussion. I'll
be sure to link to it here when it's done.

On Feb 25, 4:20 am, Nicol van der Merwe <aspersie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys
> This stuff is very interesting. I would like to request, if possible, that
> someone makes a web2pyslice or proper AlterEgo entry on how to setup and run
> these kinds of tests for web2py. I am very interested in setting up tests
> for my application but I'm a bit lost as I've never done so before (plus I'm
> unfortunately just too busy to research all this and make my own slice).
> It would be very much appreciated if this can be done :)
> Nicolaas
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:35 AM, spiffytech <spiffyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks! Interesting article! My test cases now execute. However, I
> > have a couple new questions, including a problem accessing the db in
> > my controller.
> > I modified my test file as AlterEgo 213 indicates so my unit tests can
> > access the controller's functions. Here is my updated test file:
> > ==============
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> > import sys
> > import unittest
> > from gluon.shell import exec_environment
> > from gluon.globals import Request, Response, Session
> > from gluon.storage import Storage
> > sys.arvg = sys.argv[5:]  # web2py.py passes the whole command line to
> > this script
> > class TestListActiveGames(unittest.TestCase):
> >    def setUp(self):
> >        self.request = Request()  # Use a clean Request
> >        self.controller = exec_environment('applications/api/
> > controllers/10.py', request=self.request)
> >    def testListActiveGames(self):
> >        self.request.post_vars["game_id"] = 1
> >        self.request.post_vars["username"] = "spiffytech"
> >        self.controller.list_active_games()
> > suite = unittest.TestSuite()
> > suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestListActiveGames))
> > unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
> > ==============
> > It is called with the command:
> > ==============
> > python web2py.py -S api -M -R applications/api/tests/test.py
> > ==============
> > The output is this:
> > ==============
> > web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> > Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> > Version 1.75.4 (2010-02-18 20:57:56)
> > Database drivers available: pysqlite2
> > testListActiveGames (__builtin__.TestListActiveGames) ... ERROR
> > ======================================================================
> > ERROR: testListActiveGames (__builtin__.TestListActiveGames)
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "applications/api/tests/test.py", line 19, in
> > testListActiveGames
> >    self.controller.list_active_games()
> >  File "applications/api/controllers/10.py", line 47, in
> > list_active_games
> >    games = db(((db.game.user1==username)|(db.game.user2==username)) &
> > (db.game.victory==-2)).select(db.game.user1, db.game.user2,
> > db.game.id, db.game.turn_number).as_list()
> > NameError: global name 'db' is not defined
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Ran 1 test in 0.008s
> > FAILED (errors=1)
> > ==============
> > Questions:
> > 1) How can I get my controller to see the database?
> > 2) Am I simply doing something very wrong? I would expect the web2py "-
> > S" option to set up the environment, complete with my controller's
> > functions, and Request/Storage/Response objects available for
> > instantiation. However, several posts on the mailing list indicate
> > that I need to run exec_enviroment() for access to my controllers.
> > Also, the Request/Storage/Response objects don't seem to exist in the
> > shell.
> > On Feb 24, 2:52 pm, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
> > > Replacing the way you run test suites helps. Instead of using .main()
> > > add them manually.
> > > I would suggest reading the following article, as it includes methods
> > > to aggregate your test suites together.
> > >http://agiletesting.blogspot.com/2005/01/python-unit-testing-part-1-u...
> > > import sys
> > > sys.argv = sys.argv[5:]
> > > import unittest
> > > class TestDefaultController(unittest.TestCase):
> > >     def testPrintStatement(self):
> > >         print "This line should print"
> > >     def testDatabaseRecordCount(self):
> > >         print "Records in database --- ", db(db.auth_user.id>0).count()
> > > suite = unittest.TestSuite()
> > > suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDefaultController))
> > > unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
> > > python web2py.py -S pms -M -R
> > applications/pms/test/testDefaultController.py
> > > web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> > > Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> > > Version 1.75.4 (2010-02-18 14:55:03)
> > > Database drivers available: SQLite3
> > > /home/thadeusb/web2py/applications/pms/modules/utils.py:16:
> > > DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
> > >   import md5
> > > testDatabaseRecordCount (__builtin__.TestDefaultController) ...
> > > Records in database ---  4052
> > > ok
> > > testPrintStatement (__builtin__.TestDefaultController) ... This line
> > > should print
> > > ok
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Ran 2 tests in 0.006s
> > > OK
> > > -Thadeus
> > > On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:50 PM, spiffytech <spiffyt...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > > The confusion is not with doctests, but with external unit tests
> > > > created with the 'unittest' module. Could you please post your
> > > > testControllerDefault.py so I can see what you're doing different from
> > > > me?
> > > > Please allow me to elaborate on my problems running unit tests with
> > > > web2py. Here is my (very minimal) example unit test file:
> > > > =================
> > > > #!/usr/bin/python
> > > > import unittest
> > > > class TestListActiveGames(unittest.TestCase):
> > > >    def testListActiveGames(self):
> > > >        print "This line should print out"
> > > > if __name__ == "__main__":
> > > >    unittest.main()
> > > > =================
> > > > If the test is actually run, the command line will show "This line
> > > > should print out".
> > > > The file is stored at <web2py_root>/applications/api/tests/test.py. My
> > > > current working directory is <web2py_root>.
> > > > I run the following command:
> > > > =======
> > > > python web2py.py -S api -M -R applications/api/tests/test.py
> > > > =======
> > > > And I get this output:
> > > > ================
> > > > web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> > > > Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> > > > Version 1.75.4 (2010-02-18 20:57:56)
> > > > Database drivers available: pysqlite
> > > > ================
> > > > The output does not contain the line, "This line should print out",
> > > > indicating the unit tests are not being run.
> > > > I did some debugging and found that the last two lines, which are
> > > > typical for unittest files, do not work when the file is executed by
> > > > web2py. Rather than being equal to "__main__", which indicates the
> > > > file is being executed from the command line, __name__ is equal to
> > > > "__builtin__". I modified the code to work anyway:
> > > > ================
> > > > #!/usr/bin/python
> > > > import unittest
> > > > class TestListActiveGames(unittest.TestCase):
> > > >    def testListActiveGames(self):
> > > >        print "This line should print out"
> > > > unittest.main()
> > > > ================
> > > > Now, I receive this output:
> > > > =======
> > > > web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> > > > Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> > > > Version 1.75.4 (2010-02-18 20:57:56)
> > > > Database drivers available: pysqlite2
> > > > option -S not recognized
> > > > Usage: web2py.py [options] [test] [...]
> > > > Options:
> > > >  -h, --help       Show this message
> > > >  -v, --verbose    Verbose output
> > > >  -q, --quiet      Minimal output
> > > > Examples:
> > > >  web2py.py                               - run default set of tests
> > > >  web2py.py MyTestSuite                   - run suite 'MyTestSuite'
> > > >  web2py.py MyTestCase.testSomething      - run
> > > > MyTestCase.testSomething
> > > >  web2py.py MyTestCase                    - run all 'test*' test
> > > > methods
> > > >                                               in MyTestCase
> > > > =======
> > > > More debugging revealed that this is output by unittest.main(). The
> > > > unittest module tries to parse arguments on the command line, sees the
> > > > "-S" option that was passed to web2py.py, says "I don't know what '-S'
> > > > means!", and exits.
> > > > To coerce unittest.main() to continue running, I made a quick hack to
> > > > shell.py to strip out the extra command line arguments in sys.argv
> > > > before test.py is run:
> > > > ==== gluon/shell.py, insert line 165 ====
> > > > sys.argv = sys.argv[5:]
> > > > ===================
> > > > I call the test file again, with the same command as before, and get
> > > > this:
> > > > ================
> > > > web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> > > > Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> > > > Version 1.75.4 (2010-02-18 20:57:56)
> > > > Database drivers available: pysqlite2
> > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > Ran 0 tests in 0.000s
> > > > OK
> > > > ================
> > > > The line, "This line should be printed out", is still not printed.
> > > > Stepping through the code with Python's debugging module, pdb, shows
> > > > that unittest.main() thinks it's being called from web2py.py, and not
> > > > from test.py. unittest.main() looks for tests to run in web2py.py,
> > > > finds none, and quits.
> > > > So now I'm stuck: the unittest module expects test.py to be run as a
> > > > standalone script, but instead test.py is being executed within the
> > > > scope of web2py.py, which is confusing the unittest module in several
> > > > ways.
> > > > On Feb 24, 1:02 pm, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
> > > >> If I create a unittest
> > > >> init/tests/testControllerDefault.py
> > > >> and run the following command line
> > > >> python web2py.py -S <yourapp> -M -R
> > > >> applications/init/tests/testControllerDefault.py
> > > >> My test is ran.
> > > >> I don't see what is so confusing.
> > > >> -Thadeus
> > > >> On Wed, Feb
> ...
> read more »

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