Here I am once again.
I've tried to find the explanation of the following fact but did not

I Have the following code in my controller:

def saisie():
    CodeOF=request.vars.OF or request.vars.META_OF
    Selection=FORM('Code OF:',
INPUT(_name='OF',_value=CodeOF,requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'GPOF.OF_CODE')),
o INPUT(_type='submit',_value='Cliquer pour afficher'))
#Formulaire de filtre
    if Selection.accepts(request.vars,keepvalues=True):

It helps me filtering the view. Anyway when I submit the url is
something /SuiviProd/default/saisie. I still wonder why it is not /
SuiviProd/default/saisie?OF=xxxx . But that works fine

The pb is I need to access to this view from elsewhere passing the
vars=dict(OF=xx). So I get the rendered view : /SuiviProd/default/
saisie?OF=xx , the view is correct. But If submit Selection again then
web2py complains about the fact :

TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'

I guess that resquest.vars get the vars url and the Selection vars. I
tried using request.post_vars but that is the same. So my question is
how can I pass my vars without the url (as it is done via the saisie

Hope you understood me.

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