On Mar 17, 2010, at 9:59 AM, mdipierro wrote:

> There is no cookbook because there is nothing to be done other than:
> 0) register with gae and get an app_id
> 1) change the name in app.yaml (first line: replace web2py with your
> app_id)
> 2) run it locally
>   dev_appserver.py web2py
> 3) make sure you hit every functionality so indeices are created
> 4) deploy it
>   appcfg.py update web2py
> Caveats:
> Robin pointed our with me that expiration of session cannot be
> controlled when stored in memcache because memcache on GAE can be
> evicted at any time without our control.

See? It's a very short cookbook with one easy recipe.

Seriously, it may be simple, but it's not obvious a priori. It'd be worth 
collecting this somewhere easy to find.

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