Perhaps you can use XMLRPC described here:

Perhaps other users have other/better solutions.

On Mar 22, 2:02 pm, canna <> wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I making my first steps in Web2Py, and although I'm not at this stage
> yet, I will eventually have to deal with this issue, and wanted to be
> prepared
> as a vfx studio we keep information on every 3D model that is created
> in 3D program (time spent working on it, it's status etc.) up until
> now we wrote this information (using scripts) to INI files, now we'll
> have to write to MySQL server.
> there is a way to send SQL queries from 3dsMax with .NET but then it's
> bypass web2py server and doesn't benefit from it's useful model
> structure.
> is there a way for 3dsMax to send and receive information from web2py
> server without bumping into security issues?
> thanks to all the helpers!

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