Thanks :) I should have noticed that as well.

Also one final question.

Is it possible to mix and match "app engine" specific code like:

from google.appengine.ext import db
class person(db,Expando):

With the DAL?  Or by doing this have I effectively lost the use of the
DAL layer.


On Apr 6, 9:46 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> my mistake:
> should be
> Field('name',gae.StringListProperty() ) #YES
> instead of
> Field('name',gae.StringListProperty ) #NO
> On Apr 5, 11:39 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> > Just had a quick look into and yes in the _create method around
> > line 214 I've got those lines you mentioned.
> > I'm running web2py 1.76.5 (2010-03-11 15:19:08)  with GAE launcher
> > version 1.3.2
> > Matt
> > On Apr 6, 4:31 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > odd. The code there says:
> > >             if isinstance(field.type, gluon.sql.SQLCustomType):
> > >                 ftype = self._db._translator[field.type.native or
> > > field.type.type](**attr)
> > >             elif isinstance(field.type, gae.Property):
> > >                 ftype = field.type
> > >             elif field.type[:2] == 'id':
> > >                 continue
> > > since field.type is, in your case,  gaeStringListProperty and it
> > > extends gae.Property the previous elif should have been True. It is
> > > for me.
> > > Do you have those lines? What GAE version?
> > > On Apr 5, 11:19 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> > > > Thanks for your prompt response :)
> > > > Trying your example:
> > > > from gluon.contrib.gql import gae
> > > > db.define_table('example',
> > > >     db.Field('title', 'string'),
> > > >     db.Field('name', gae.StringListProperty))
> > > > as a quick test but I'm getting an error:
> > > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > >   File "/Apps/web2py/testing/gluon/", line 173, in
> > > > restricted
> > > >     exec ccode in environment
> > > >   File "/Apps/web2py/testing/applications/init/models/",
> > > > line 55, in <module>
> > > >     db.Field('name', gae.StringListProperty))
> > > >   File "/Apps/web2py/testing/gluon/contrib/", line 128, in
> > > > define_table
> > > >     t._create()
> > > >   File "/Apps/web2py/testing/gluon/contrib/", line 216, in
> > > > _create
> > > >     elif field.type[:2] == 'id':
> > > > TypeError: 'type' object is unsubscriptable
> > > > What am I doing wrong here?
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Matt
> > > > On Apr 6, 3:43 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > > > For example:
> > > > > from gluon.contrib.gql import gae
> > > > > db.define_table('tablename',....,Field('name',gae.StringListProperty),....)
> > > > > You can use any native type but forms may not work because you have to
> > > > > make sure you insert the corresponding type (in the example a list of
> > > > > strings). Sorry there is not much documentation about this.
> > > > > Massimo
> > > > > On Apr 5, 10:34 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> > > > > > Hi there,
> > > > > > In the "features not in the book section" it lists since version
> > > > > > 1.74.5
> > > > > > * support for all native types on GAE (e.g. StringListProperty)
> > > > > > Are there any examples demonstrating the use of these available?
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Matt

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