
I have a SQLFORM.factory form that I need to prepopulate with some
data from a database.

id_nodo = request.args(0)

## I get the data from the database
nodo = db(db.node.id==id_nodo).select().first()
detalle = db(db.node_details.node_id==id_nodo).select().first()

 ##Now I need to prepolutate the fields title and body that I get from
the database
 ## title = nodo.title, body = detalle.body
 form = SQLFORM.factory(db.node.title,db.node_details.body)
    if form.accepts(request.vars,session):

        response.flash='Form accepted'

    return dict(form=form)

As I read on this thread
somebody with the same problem as me did the following:

user = db((db.user.id == req_user_id) & (db.addr.user ==

        db.user.id.default = user.user.id
        db.user.name.default = user.user.name
        db.user.email.default = user.user.email
        db.addr.city.default = user.addr.city

        form =

        if form.accepts(request.vars, session):

           # change the user data
           if change_user_data(user):
              user.user.update_record(name=form.vars.name) # <----
              user.addr.update_record(city=form.vars.city) # <----
              response.flash = 'form accepted'
              response.flash = 'form not accepted'

I do not understand  "if change_user_data(user):"

I have tried :

   db.node.title.default = nodo.title
   db.node_details.body = detalle.body
   form = SQLFORM.factory(db.node.title,db.node_details.body)
    if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
       if change_node_data(node):

but I get an execption ('global name change_node_data is not defined'.
Could anyone tell me how can I prepolutate the SQLFORM.factory form???

Why is the function change_user_data used in that example if is not
defined ????

Thanks in advance

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