On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:

> There is also a bug in appadmin that when you sort you get the list
> sorted, but if you browse the next 100 records, the sorting reverses
> itself. Do you think this would fix that bug as well?

Perhaps what you want to do is to append orderby=c to request.vars, and 
generate the URL from there. 

Also, vars wants to be encoded. This is the logic from html.URL:

         '?%s' % urllib.urlencode(vars)

It's not needed in the current code because we know a priori that there's 
nothing to encode. But that's not true if we include request.vars.

> --
> Thadeus
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Philip <philip.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not sure the patch submittal process, nor am I confident that my
>> solution is the best way to solve the issue, but I'd like to propose a
>> solution.
>> Problem:
>> * Situation: SQLTABLE with orderby=True is used on a URL that includes
>> any variable. For example, URL is myapp.com/init/default/invoices?
>> customer=Fred, and we'll say the table has three columns, Invoice
>> number, Date, and Amount.
>> * Bug: If you then click on one of the column headers in the table to
>> sort the table, for example Amount, the resulting URL that gets called
>> loses the variable. In this example, the resulting URL is myapp.com/
>> init/default/invoices?orderby=Amount.  We have lost the customer
>> variable we passed to the original URL.
>> * Relevant code: In the code visible here -
>> http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/epydoc/web2py.gluon.sqlhtml-pysrc.html#SQLTABLE.__init__,
>> the problem code is on line 1091, " _href=th_link+'?orderby=' + c"
>> Proposed Solution:
>> I think this requires adding a parameter to SQLTABLE which holds the
>> vars passed to the current URL. I'll call it :vars.  For simplicity,
>> let's assume that vars always has the same form as request.vars, so
>> that the canonical way of calling SQLTABLE in these circumstances in a
>> controller is to add a parameter 'vars=request.vars'.  Since it only
>> comes into play when orderby=True, we can insert a few lines in
>> SQLTABLE as follows.  These lines would follow line 1089.
>> var_url=''
>> if length(vars) > 0:
>>    for v in vars:
>>        var_url += '&' + v + '=' + vars[v]
>> Then line 1091 would be changed from "_href=th_link+'?orderby='+c" to
>> _href=th_link+'?orderby=' + c + var_url
>> Please let me know if there is a better way to submit patches or to
>> ensure that a proposed patch such as this has no unintended side
>> effects.  And, of course, if others have a better way of solving this
>> problem, please speak up.
>> Regards,
>> Philip

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