you have corrputed data in the db. You stored something in a  field
that was a "string" and now is a "date". web2py cannot get the record
out because it is not what it should be.

On May 4, 7:11 pm, Leandro - ProfessionalIT <>
> Hi Friends,
>    I'm developing a 'calendar' (agenda in portuguese) app and this app
> is deployed in GAE.
> My
> # the data_hora field have a brazilian format and I cannot have two
> records in the same data/time (only a event in a date/time)
> db.define_table('agenda',
>     Field('data_hora','datetime', default=now, requires=[IS_DATE('%d/
> %m/%Y %H:%M'), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'agenda.data_hora')], unique=True,
> label=T('Data/Hora')),
>     Field('cliente_id', db.cliente, requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db,
> '', 'cliente.alcunha')), label=T('Cliente')),
>     Field('nome','string', length=255, default='', label=T('Cliente
> Novo')),
>     Field('telefone_cliente','string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
> length=50, default='', label=T('Telefone Cliente')),
>     Field('servico_id', db.servico, requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db,
> '', 'servico.nome')), label=T('Serviço')),
>     Field('atendente_id', db.atendente,
> requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, '',
> 'atendente.alcunha')), label=T('Atendente')),
>     Field('origem_cliente','string', length=20, default='Telefone',
> requires=IS_IN_SET(['Site', 'Telefone', 'Visita a Estética', 'e-mail',
> 'MSN','Mailisting']), label=T('Origem Cliente')),
>     Field('status','string', length=8, default='Agendado',
> requires=IS_IN_SET(['Agendado', 'Atendendo', 'Atendido',
> 'Cancelado']), label=T('Status')))
> My Controller:
> def agendas():
>     return dict(rows =, _id='list'), create_link
> = A('Novo Registro', _href=URL(r=request, f = 'agenda_create'),
> _id="create_link"))
> def agenda():
>     return dict(form=crud.update(db.agenda, request.args[0],
> next=URL(r = request,f = 'agendas')))
> def agenda_create():
>     return dict(form=crud.create(db.agenda, next=URL(r = request,f =
> 'agendas'), message=T("Registro Inserido com Sucesso !")))
> Well,
>     The CRUD form to create a record is displayed with success, but
> when I click in submit button I receive this error message:
> #
>    1.
>       05-04 05:01PM 10.403 /init/rotinas/agenda_create 500 267ms
> 349cpu_ms 155api_cpu_ms 0kb Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
> Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3,gzip(gfe)
>       See details
> - - [04/May/2010:17:01:10 -0700] "POST /init/
> rotinas/agenda_create HTTP/1.1" 500 394 "http://estetica-
>" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
> Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid)
> Firefox/3.6.3,gzip(gfe)" ""
>    2.
>       E 05-04 05:01PM 10.668
>       In FILE: /base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> applications/init/controllers/
>       Traceback (most recent call last):
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 178, in restricted
>           exec ccode in environment
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> applications/init/controllers/", line 134, in
> <module>
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 96, in <lambda>
>           self._caller = lambda f: f()
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> applications/init/controllers/", line 69, in
> agenda_create
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 2491, in create
>           deletable=False,
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 2435, in update
>           onvalidation=onvalidation, keepvalues=keepvalues):
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 857, in accepts
>           onvalidation,
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 1311, in accepts
>           status = self._traverse(status)
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 454, in _traverse
>           newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 454, in _traverse
>           newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 454, in _traverse
>           newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 454, in _traverse
>           newstatus = c._traverse(status) and newstatus
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 461, in _traverse
>           newstatus = self._validate()
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 1118, in _validate
>           (value, errors) = validator(value)
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/", line 448, in __call__
>           rows = self.dbset(field == value).select(limitby=(0, 1))
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/contrib/", line 307, in __eq__
>           return Query(self, '=', value)
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/contrib/", line 543, in __init__
>           right = dateobj_to_datetime(obj_represent(right, left.type,
> left._db))
>         File "/base/data/home/apps/estetica-plus/1.341722964697072247/
> gluon/contrib/", line 465, in obj_represent
>           str(obj)[11:].strip().split(':')[:3]]
>       ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
>    How to solve this problem ?

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