To help us debug this... can you try with firefox? can you also try
with the firebug extension? I will log the ajax requests so you can
see if there is an error?

On May 6, 10:01 am, Zhe Li <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to web2py and it is a fantastic framework! The online book is
> quite helpful until this week. I tried two AJAX examples but none of
> them works and I don't have a clue what went wrong there.
> First one is the wiki example:
> ---------------------------------
> def search():
>      "an ajax wiki search page"
>      return dict(form=FORM(INPUT(_id='keyword',
>               _onkeyup="ajax('bg_find', ['keyword'], 'target');")),
>               target_div=DIV(_id='target'))
> def bg_find():
>      "an ajax callback that returns a <ul> of links to wiki pages"
>      pattern = '+ request.vars.keyword.lower() + '
>      pages = db(\
>        .select(
>      items = [A(row.title, _href=URL(r=request, f=show,
> \
>             for row in pages]
>      return UL(*items).xml()
> ------------------------------------
> Nothing shows up when I type or submit my request.
> Second one is the auto complete example:
> ------------------------------------
> def month_input():
>     return dict()
> def month_selector():
>     if not request.vars.month:
>         return "
>     months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
>             'June', 'July', 'August', 'September' ,'October',
>             'November', 'December']
>     selected = [m for m in months \
>                 if m.startswith(request.vars.month.capitalize())]
>     return ".join([DIV(k,
>                   _onclick="jQuery('#month').val('k')",
>                   _onmouseover="'yellow'",
>                   _onmouseout="'white'"
>                   ).xml() for k in selected])
> ----------------------------------
> Again, nothing shows up.... I was using Chrome on linux.... Could
> anyone tell me how to get it work please? Many thanks!!!
> Cheers,
> Zhe

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