AFAIK web2py uses cherrypy webserver, which listens as a daemon on
certain port. With crashing I mean that the listening process (web2py
with cherrypy at the background) suddenly terminates. I use standard
Python v 2.5.2 as packaged for Debian.


On May 7, 2:52 pm, Timothy Farrell <> wrote:
> Can you be more specific on what you mean by "crashing"?  Interpreted
> languages shouldn't crash and generally if they do it's something wrong
> with the interpreter.  Are you using cPython?
> On 5/7/2010 1:48 AM, David Zejda wrote:
> > Hi,
> > my web2py instance (about 10000 pageviews, 300000+ ajax requests
> > daily) crashes about daily. As a workaround I have a script which
> > (re)starts the server when either memory usage exceeds certain
> > threshold or when the server is completely down. I run the script from
> > cron every minute.
> > #! /bin/sh
> > A=`netstat -tlnp | grep 8000`
> > TIME=`date`
> > LOG='/var/log/web2py/keepalive.log'
> > if [ "$A" ];
> > then
> >      B=`echo $A | cut -d " " -f 7`
> >      PID=${B%/*}
> >      MEM=`ps -p $PID -o vsz | tail -n 1`
> >      if [ "$MEM" -gt 2000000 ];
> >      then
> >          echo "$TIME  $PID    $MEM    MEMORY">>  $LOG
> >          echo "Web2py memory $MEM on $TIME =>  restart." | mail
> > -s 'Web2py fail!'
> >          /etc/init.d/web2py restart
> >      else
> >          echo "$TIME  $PID    $MEM    OK">>  $LOG
> >      fi
> > else
> >      echo "$TIME      FAIL">>  $LOG
> >      echo "Web2py failed on $TIME" | mail -s 'Web2py fail!'
> >      /etc/init.d/web2py restart
> > fi
> > I know I should find time to try to examine cause of memory leaking
> > with guppy-heapy. But I think the crashing is another issue, not
> > directly related to the leaking. Access logs revealed no direct
> > relation to any particular controller or function. Also, after web2py
> > upgrade it has not changed.
> > Do you have any idea how to reveal the cause of crashing?
> > Thanks!
> > David

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