
First of all, I think I should say sorry because probably this is not
the correct place to post the following problem but I'm getting crazy.

My problem with jquery is as follows:

On a view I have a form that is submited via web2py ajax method.
Something like this

<form id="do_busqueda">

         <input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit"
value="Buscar" class="btn" />
<div id="empleados_list"></div>

This form is submited like this:

    ajax("{{=URL(r=request, c='presencia',
f='do_busqueda')}}",id_list, 'empleados_list');
        return false;

And this works fine. On <div id="empleados_list"></div> appears a
table filled with an employees list that is the view that the function
do_busqueda builds. To try to explain better I have changed my view
and I have replaced it  by the code that is on the  web2py book (2nd
ed.) on pag 268.

Now the fucntion do_busqueda renders this view:

<div class="one" id="a">Hello</div>
<div class="two" id="b">World</div>

And...when is rendered does not work. In my case, the table that is
rendered by the view do_busqueda.html has a checkbox and what I'm
trying to do is that when the user clicks on a checkbox an alert
message box should be displayed. I do not understand why this code
does not work. Why is not executed??  Any ideas???

Thanks in advance

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