Hey Guys, that helped a lot!
with a lil correction it works very nice.

Thanks for the Support.

On 8 Mai, 04:18, Russell <russell.mcmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You might want to try something like this:.
>     from gluon.sql import Expression
>     db(table1.field1.like(Expression("('%' || table2.field2 ||
> '%')")))).select(db.table1.field1)
> Not very pretty, but it does work.
> On May 8, 9:13 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Can you try
> > from gluon.sql import Query
> > print db(Query(" '%' || NEW.field_1 || '%'  LIKE table_1.field_1
> > "))._select(db.table_1.field_1)
> > Do you get the query you want?
> > On May 7, 10:48 am, AsmanCom <d.as...@web.de> wrote:
> > > It returns nothing... even if I write in the exact value and it should
> > > work like a fuzzy logic..
> > > like that:
> > > find_value= request.vars.value
> > > db('%' + table_1.field_1 +
> > > '%').lower().like(find_value).select(db.table_1.field_1)
> > > or
> > > db('%' + table_1.field_1 + '%').lower().like('%' + find_value +
> > > '%').select(db.table_1.field_1)
> > > Any Idea?
> > > On 7 Mai, 17:03, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > > This should work
> > > > db("'%' || NEW.field_1 || '%'  LIKE
> > > > table_1.field_1").select(db.table_1.field_1)
> > > > On May 7, 9:35 am, AsmanCom <d.as...@web.de> wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > here is the important Code from an Sqlite trigger i use very often, is
> > > > > this possible with web2py to?
> > > > > Sqlite:
> > > > > (SELECT table_1.field_1 FROM table_1 WHERE '%' || NEW.field_1 || '%'
> > > > > LIKE table_1.field_1 )
> > > > > or i can even do:
> > > > > (SELECT table_1.field_1 FROM table_1 WHERE '%' || NEW.field_1 || '%'
> > > > > LIKE  '%' || table_1.field_1  || '%'  )
> > > > > w2p:
> > > > > db.person.name.lower().like(‘m%’)

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