Hi Everyone! First of all, I would like to congratulate Massimo Di Pierro. If you can read this, you are the man! I loved web2py.
Unfortunately, I'm a beginner from Brazil and I'm having a hard time to set it up in a shared host. If someone can help me out, I greatly appreciate. I made some research myself before bother anybody with this. Since I don't have access to http.conf file or any other configuration file, I followed the steps in the manual. http://web2py.com/book/default/section/11/8 But mod_python gives me an error on SCRIPT_URL. So, I put the path '/home/myfolderwithweb2py' to req.subprocess_env['SCRIPT_URL'], instead. But now, I've got the message "Invalid request", nothing else. Not even if I change "PythonDebug On" on .htaccess. Can anybody help me out? Thank you in advance. My host is http://mochahost.com/webhosting.php Linux / Apache 2 Python 2.5 mod_python