Agree :)

It was late night as I code it. It's not fully tested but it should
work. So any tests are welcome :)

And you need python-pyme and gpgme libs but it's imported only as it
is needed.

On máj. 15, 07:12, Iceberg <> wrote:
> On May15, 10:39am, Massimo Di Pierro <> wrote:
> > Thanks to szimszon we have PGP in Mail (trunk only)
> > mail.send(
> >         self,
> >         to,
> >         subject='None',
> >         message='None',
> >         attachments=None,
> >         cc=None,
> >         bcc=None,
> >         reply_to=None,
> >         encoding='utf-8',
> >         cipher_type=None,
> >         sign=True,
> >         sign_passphrase=None,
> >         encrypt=True,
> >         )
> > Please check it. Should
> >         cipher_type=None,
> >         sign=True,
> >         sign_passphrase=None,
> >         encrypt=True,
> > be set at the send level or at the mail.settings level? Do people tend  
> > to use different passphrases for different emails or the same one?
> Nice to know that.  And I agree those cipher options be set at send()
> level, because a website might want to send out automatic email FROM
> different account, say, most normal notice from
> "", but some interview confirmation from
> "", etc.?
> But it doesn't harm if mail.settings contains all those cipher
> options, and then inside send() we code like this:
>   def send(...,
>         cipher_type=None,
>         sign=True,
>         sign_passphrase=None,
>         encrypt=True,
>         ):
>     if not cipher_type:
>         cipher_type = self.settings.cipher_type
>     ...

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