On May 17, 2010, at 7:53 AM, Thadeus Burgess wrote:

> You cannot have random = signs in your view.
> The syntax is
> {{python code here}}
> {{=python variable here}}
> You MUST declare {{= with no space in between. the bracket and equal sign.

Alternatively (correct me if I'm wrong), replace, eg:

    =T('Web Nothing')


    response.write('Web Nothing')

> --
> Thadeus
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 2:23 AM, szimszon <szims...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> default/index.html:
>> ------------------- cut -----------------------------
>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>> {{try:}}{{=H2(message)}}{{except:}}{{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}
>> {{pass}}
>> <h3>{{=T('Changes not in use:')}}</h3>
>> {{changes=db(db.web.modified==True).select(db.web.id,db.web.name,db.web.controller)
>>  if len(changes)>0:
>>    for douse in changes:
>>            =XML('[%s]<br/>'%A(T('Modified %(name)s config, use
>> it!',dict(name=douse.name)),_href=URL(r=request,c=douse.controller,f='webdouse',args=douse.id)))
>>    pass
>>  else:
>>    =T('Web Nothing')
>>  pass}}
>> <br />
>> {{changes=db(db.dns.modified==True).select(db.dns.id,db.dns.name,db.dns.controller)
>>  if len(changes)>0:
>>    for douse in changes:
>>            =XML('[%s]<br/>'%A(T('Modified %(name)s config, use
>> it!',dict(name=douse.name)),_href=URL(r=request,c=douse.controller,f='dnsdouse',args=douse.id)))
>>    pass
>>  else:
>>    =T('DNS Nothing')
>>  pass}}
>> ------------------- cut -----------------------------
>> Ticket
>> cd7e9a3212a6
>> missing "pass" in view
>> Error traceback
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "/home/szimszon/fejlesztes/sajat/web2py/gluon/rocket.py", line
>> 769, in run
>>    self.run_app(conn)
>>  File "/home/szimszon/fejlesztes/sajat/web2py/gluon/rocket.py", line
>> 1172, in run_app
>>    self.environ = environ = self.build_environ(sock_file, conn)
>>  File "/home/szimszon/fejlesztes/sajat/web2py/gluon/rocket.py", line
>> 1008, in build_environ
>>    request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
>>  File "/home/szimszon/fejlesztes/sajat/web2py/gluon/rocket.py", line
>> 834, in read_request_line
>>    raise SocketTimeout("Socket timed out before request.")
>> SocketTimeout: Socket timed out before request.

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