That's correct. Once you apply the widget to the field it will be used
on all corresponding forms.

On May 21, 11:12 am, annet <> wrote:
> I had a quick look at the slice, am I right to conclude that contrary
> to the pengoworks autocomplete this one is more generic. When I use
> the Pengoworks autocomplete in my model I have to define:
> self,value:INPUT(_type='text',_id='city',_class='ac_input',_name='city',requires=self.requires)
> ... in web2py_ajax.html:
> jQuery('#city').autocomplete('/init/handlers/cityAC',{maxItemsToShow:
> 12});
> ... in a controller called handlers:
> def cityAC():
>     q=''
>     if request.vars:
>         q=request.vars.q
>     if not q:
>         return q
>     rows=db('%s%
> %'%q.capitalize())).select(,
>     r=''
>     for row in rows:
>         r='%s%s\n'%(r,
>     return r
> ... and I have to repeat this for every field I need autocomplete
> functionality for.
> When I use the one described in the slice, I would put this in
> def autocomplete_widget(f,v):
>     import uuid
>     d_id = "autocomplete-" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
>     wrapper = DIV(_id=d_id)
>     inp = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f,v)
>     rows = f._db(f._table['id']>0).select(f,distinct=True)
>     itms = [str(t[]) for t in rows]
>     scr = SCRIPT('var data= "%s".split("|");jQuery("#%s
> input").autocomplete(data);' % \
>                   ("|".join(itms),d_id))
>     wrapper.append(inp)
>     wrapper.append(scr)
>     return wrapper
> ... which would work both on my laptop and on the webfaction servers!?
> ... put this in the handlers controller:
> def get_items():
>     itms = []
>     if request.vars.q and \
>        request.vars.table and \
>        request.vars.field:
>         q = request.vars.q
>         f = request.vars.field
>         t = request.vars.table
>         fld = db[t][f]
>         rows = db(fld.upper().like(q.upper()
> +"%")).select(fld,distinct=True)
>         itms = [str(t[f]) for t in rows]
>     return '\n'.join(itms)
> ... and put this in the table definition:
> Is that right?
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

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