The problem of "OperationalError: no such table: payment" is because
migrations are disabled by default for performance reasons.

You have to change line 8 of

migrate = True

Sorry, my mistake, that why I prefer submitting complete app package,
you can download working version from here:

It should round well with latest version of web2py (I remember of some
minor problems fixed)

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 11:25 AM, KR <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the answers.
> I tried both versions and none of them works out of the box.
> Here is the trace for the Flisol (same as the PyCon) one:
> x...@box~/work/web2py/web2py$ python -S web2confF -M
> web2py Enterprise Web Framework
> Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
> Version 1.78.3 (2010-05-17 21:59:39)
> Database drivers available: SQLite3
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/home/xxx/work/web2py/web2py/gluon/", line 178,
> in restricted
>    exec ccode in environment
>  File "applications/web2confF/models/", line 1, in
> <module>
>    db(db.payment.created_on<
> (db.payment.status.lower()=='pre-processing').delete()
>  File "/home/xxx/work/web2py/web2py/gluon/", line 3247, in
> delete
>    self._db._execute(query)
>  File "/home/xxx/work/web2py/web2py/gluon/", line 899, in
> <lambda>
>    self._execute = lambda *a, **b: self._cursor.execute(*a, **b)
> OperationalError: no such table: payment
> If somebody has a simple way to make it work, I will do that.
> Otherwize, I will remove the payment stuffs (not sure to use it
> anyway). Help for doing that would be appreciate as well.
> Some info:
> - web2py Version 1.78.3 (2010-05-17 21:59:39) (if I need a previous
> version, which one and where to find it please ?)
> - I don't understand spanish (french is my mother tongue)
> - I need some CMS (or at least wiki) functionnality to manage the
> website
> - I deleted the databases folder and recreated it (empty)
> - The default "reingart-web2conf" works after having replaced
> db=SQLDB(DBURI,pools=DBPOOLS) by db=SQLDB(DBURI) and create the non
> existant databases folder. But they are other issues (balance is
> none ? making some requests failed) and it seems not to implement some
> CMS functionnalities.
> Thx already.
> On 27 mai, 07:23, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
>> Mariano -
>> Thank you - I hadn't seen that you made a clone.
>> FYI for others:  you can the list of clones 
>> at:
>> I will look over this in June, and look at merging back (there are
>> things in the base web2conf that need cleanup, updates - which looks
>> like Mariano made many).
>> - Yarko
>> On May 26, 2:32 pm, Mariano Reingart <> wrote:
>> > On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Yarko Tymciurak
>> > <> wrote:
>> > > On May 26, 9:23 am, KR <> wrote:
>> > >> Hello,
>> > >> There is a Vimeo screencast ( about a
>> > >> web2py Conference Management System. Does anybody know wher I can
>> > >> download the soource code of that ?
>> > > You can get the version used at PyCon-2010 at
>> > > web2conf
>> > > There is also an older version, which was modified for FLISOL-2010....
>> > > I'll have to find that (eventually, that should be merged back to
>> > > web2conf).
>> > You can found them in flisol 2010 and pyday branches of my web2conf clone:
>> >
>> > Flisol:
>> > PyDay:
>> > Running 
>> > sites:
>> > Sorry, I didn't have time to generalize them and merge back to the
>> > web2conf trunk.
>> > > Right now, web2conf needs a few updates and refactorings (typically,
>> > > during the course of a registration cycle, things are fixed, added,
>> > > etc. and should be re-visited, cleaned).   For example this web2conf
>> > > is based on an older version of web2py.
>> > I would be cleaning up some things, if there are any plans, please let me 
>> > know.
>> > I'm thinking of:
>> >  * Spearate into,, etc.
>> >  * Finish talk reviewing/voting
>> >  * Eliminate some T2 stuff
>> >  * Rewrite PDF generation (badge and attendance certificate) using
>> > PyFPDF (removing dependencies like dabo)
>> >  * Speed-up, caching, cleanup, easier configuration, etc.
>> > Best regards,
>> > Mariano 
>> > Reingart

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