it don't work
AttributeError: 'Field' object has no attribute 'belngs'

mdipierro i write you an email with the real full db

On 4 Giu, 15:40, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I think you want this, all Books without a union.
> records=db(~db.Book.book_id.belngs(db()._select(
> On Jun 4, 7:17 am, ceriox <> wrote:
> > hi all
> > i have a problem making an outer join
> > somebody can write me the correct one?
> > db.define_table('Union',
> >     Field('user_id', db.User, writable=False, readable=False),
> >     Field('book_id', 'integer', db.Book, writable=False,
> > readable=False))
> > db.define_table('Book',
> >    Field('Titolo', 'string'))
> > i want to have all book with no User
> > i try with
> > record=db().select(db.Book.ALL, db.Union.ALL,
> > right=db.Book.on(db.Union.book_id<>
> > but i have all Book and Book without union
> > what is the error?
> > thanks for help

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