That is the thing, its *almost* the same, but its not a true postgres
sequence. Postgres already has many years of development making sure
their auto number works, why can't I just use that instead of trying
to hack around the limitations of a system?

I don't have a choice. I *must* have native support for autonumber, or
I have to use another system that already allows me to.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 10:22 PM, mdipierro <> wrote:
> If it were possible to do a SQL insert without the dummy filed this
> almost the same as creating a sequence. web2py can create a table
> without any field but the "id", but I do not do not how to do an
> insert without any field value.
> On Jun 8, 8:12 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
>> This *might* work. You are right, it is still horrible... It might be
>> *effectively* accomplishing the same thing that sequences do on
>> PostgreSQL, however I still wouldn't use it in production as it feels
>> "hacky". I already have to re-design this table, so I might as well do
>> it 100% right.
>> I never expected the scale of inserts that happened yesterday and
>> today, nor had any proper benchmarking been done previously if it
>> could handle this kind of sudden rush of traffic.
>> --
>> Thadeus
>> On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 4:36 PM, mdipierro <> wrote:
>> > I know this horrible but it does solve some of the problems...
>> > db.define_table('whopper_seq',Field('dummy'))
>> > db.define_table('yourtable',...
>> > Field("whopper_id", "integer",compute=lambda r:
>> > db.whopper_seq.insert(dummy=None))
>> > ...)
>> > On Jun 7, 8:29 pm, Thadeus Burgess <> wrote:
>> >> I have a problem.
>> >> I have this in the database....
>> >> Field("whopper_id", "string", default=None, unique=True),
>> >> The thing with whopper_id is it always stores numbers. Said numbers
>> >> are anywhere from 20000 to 60000.
>> >> Also upon entering a new entry, I do the following
>> >> last_whopper_id = db( > 0).select(db.table.whopper_id,
>> >> orderby=~db.table.whopper_id, limit=(0,1)).first().whopper_id
>> >> db.insert(whopper_id = (int(last_whopper_id) + 1))
>> >> So I do all this juju just to get the number to autoincrement.
>> >> The problem is, this structure is bad... first I'm storing integers in
>> >> a string field, and then manually incrementing them!!!!
>> >> I get errors like... IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates
>> >> unique constraint "table_whopper_id_key"... when two requests come in
>> >> to create a record within miliseconds of each other.
>> >> Here is where I need some help please.
>> >> I need to convert this entire field, into an autoincrementing integer
>> >> performed by the database, however ALL current whopper_ids must stay
>> >> EXACTLY the same.
>> >> I don't know how to accomplish this with web2py. I know what I want...
>> >> Field("whopper_id", "integer", unique=True, autoincrement=True)
>> >> But how do I convert all existing whopper_ids over and keep them the 
>> >> exact same?
>> >> Is this even possible with web2py and the DAL?
>> >> --
>> >> Thadeus

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