If you want this variable globally available for all views then put
`giugno = 6' into a model.
Or if you only want this variable for a certain view then pass it
explicitly in the controller with `return dict(giugno=6, ...)'

Then in the view[s] you can use {{= giugno }}

On Jun 14, 11:58 pm, Giuseppe Luca Scrofani <glsdes...@gmail.com>
> Thanks for answering friends, it worked! Now, how I can setup a
> condition block to transform the digit returned by
> {{=request.now.month}} (example: 6) into something like "giugno" (june
> in italian language)?
> > e.g. (paste this on the view)
> > ....
> > <p> month: {{=request.now.month}} </p>
> > <p> day : {{=request.now.day}} </p>

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