Thanks for the explanation. It helps clarify a long standing problem.
I have a solution in trunk based on your comment. Please check it and
let us know if this is what you had in mind.


On 9 Lug, 07:55, John Heenan <> wrote:
> This is a report of a subtle data integrity bug that is difficult to
> describe in a short manner. However the bug is trivial to fix.
> I noticed the bug when I imported data directly into sqlite3 that had
> date fields with empty dates. I used the sqlite3 utility .import
> command as I needed to preserve the ROWID primary keys. The dates are
> termination dates and should only be filled in when a termination
> occurs.
> If the corresponding web2py db.Field type is 'date' and the imported
> value of the date field is empty then the following error message
> occurs from the web2py database administrator.
> Invalid Query invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
> If web2py is used to enter data then no error arises.
> However if the web2py entered record is exported from sqlite and then
> reimported the error occurs.
> This should be enough to ring bells that there appears to be a data
> integrity bug.
> The first reaction of experts is likely to be that the error is
> related to dynamic typing of sqlite and the requirement that text
> entered date follows a strict ISO8601 format for sqlite3 internal date
> functions to work correctly. However this is irrelevant as web2py
> stores and manipulates date data without using sqlite internal date
> functions and web2py does not necessarily use a complete ISO8601
> string.
> The next paragraph might appear bizarre and wrong to a database
> expert, however to anyone familiar with the dynamic typing rules of
> sqlite there is nothing wrong.
> The key to the problem is examining the type of dynamic data stored by
> sqlite3. The typename in the create statement for the date fileld is
> 'DATE'. Since 'DATE' is not matched by sqlite3's dynmaic typing column
> affinity rules, the affinity of the column defaults to 'NUMERIC'. The
> actual type of the sqlite imported date with an empty date is 'text'
> but the type of the date field when entered through web2py is 'null'
> instead!
> This means the problem lies with web2py and is easily fixed. All
> web2py needs to do when parsing dates is to treat a null and an empty
> string the same way!
> John Heenan

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