
2010/7/21 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>:
> Welcome Hector,


> using os.system is fine if the the commands are short and independent.
> I would recommend creating a database table of tasks to be executed
> db.define_table('task_queue',Field('status'),Field('command'))
> The web app would queue commands (status=queued) and a web2py shell
> script would monitor the task queue, pop a command (status=running),
> execute it, and change the status (=completed or =error).

Looks like a nice idea. I'll give it a go.
I also hit PyAMF (I am not much into Python - as you might notice)
with might be also useful to transfer binaries from buildserver to
programming station, what do you think?

> Have a plugin PBS that does this and interfaces with the PBS qsub/
> qstat/qdel but it may be more complex than you need.

I was unable to find such plugin, do you mind a pointer?

 Héctor Orón

"Our Sun unleashes tremendous flares expelling hot gas into the Solar
System, which one day will disconnect us."

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