Web2py Application Exhibition

Do you have a Web2py app that you'd like to show the world?
If so, you may be interested in the Web2py Application Exhibition.

The WAE is a way to...
1. Demonstrate what can be done with Web2py.
2. Share and learn about useful web2py, python, Javascript, jQuery
etc. techniques.
3. Earn some money toward that new ________ you've been craving.

Projects will be judged in the following areas.

Ease of use
Visual Appeal

The Rules
1. Applications must be submitted no later than July 30, 2010

2. Source must be included with your submissions.

3. If the application is written by a team, Massimo can NOT be
part of the team.

4. After a 2 week review period, on August 15, 2010, the
winners will be announced on the web2py-users list.

5. The 1st place winner will receive $100 US Dollars,
2nd place will receive $50

6. You must enjoy using Web2py!

Massimo is not affiliated with this exhibition, ( maybe he'll help
judge if I can twist his arm ) so, if you have any questions or
comments, I can be contacted on this forum or via gmail


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